Learning an additional language as a child offers so many benefits, whether that’s maintaining a connection to another culture, having more opportunities in the future or developing their brain’s cognitive…
Learning Languages with Lingopie: Honest Review
This review contains an affiliate link to Lingopie, which means if you start a free trial for Lingopie, I get a free month of access. Quick intro Lingopie is a…
Best of Netflix…In French
Of course, watching films and TV shows in a language you are learning is a nice, easy, cosy way of keeping your ear in when you’re feeling lazy. But it’s…
Learning Languages with LingQ: Honest Review
LingQ is a language learning website and app that focuses on learning from authentic materials. You can read, watch or listen to content that interests you, easily look up words…
Applying Atomic Habits to Language Learning
Whatever method you use, there’s no denying that learning a language requires continuous effort over time. Regardless of whether you are taking the intensive route, or going slow and steady,…